By Howard B. Richman
Simple free secret reduces wrist pain in computer typists. This free carpal tunnel syndrome information, developed by a concert pianist, provides easy how-to solutions for self-improvement towards carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis. These tips provide valuable support for sore wrists, carpal tunnel syndrome therapies, treatments and cures.
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Wrong Angles Cause Pain.
One of the most important things to be aware of when establishing correct typing habits is that the arm, wrist and hand remain in a straight line.
It doesn’t matter if the arm is positioned horizontally, up or down, as long as the arm, wrist and hand remain in a straight line. This is because the fingers are controlled by muscles which are connected to tendons which go through the wrist and down along the arm. If there is a bend anywhere in this sequence, friction occurs which will lead to stress, inflammation and injury. Notice the bend in the wrist in the above “bad” picture. This is caused because the keyboard is tilted up with the flaps in the back and/or the person is sitting too high. Ironically, our “bad” illustration is often shown as the “correct” position in many diagrams and is the cause of much pain and suffering!
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The above tip is offered for free as a courtesy and is excerpted from Pain-Free Typing Technique: Simple Solutions to Prevent Repetitive Strain Injuries, from a Concert Pianist. Unconventional concepts for increasing human performance are revealed, which help prevent computer-related illnesses including hand pain, wrist pain and other keyboard ergonomics.