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Ease Chronic Pain – Book/CD
“I am writing to you to share my testimony after listening to the EASE CHRONIC PAIN CD less than an hour ago. I am a 61 year old 100% disabled army veteran that has been suffering from chronic pain for over 34 years since i was injured in Germany in 1987. I sustained fractured vertebrae, bulging discs and torn ligaments and tendons and I also suffer from chronic sleep apnea. Before listening to the CD, my chest was hurting, and I was having trouble breathing. My L1-S1 in my lower back was in extreme pain, and I could barely sit down. I listened to TRACK 1 and TRACK 2, and I started to relax. On TRACK 3 when Judy said ‘the ball of light has just reached the para-sympathetic area between both spheres of your brain,’ I felt something pop in my chest. My muscles loosened up in my chest, and I could breathe! At the exact same moment, my back and tailbone stopped hurting. I haven’t felt this relaxed and pain-free in years. Judy, your voice is so soothing and relaxing, and I thank you for helping me release all the years of trauma that I’ve suffered from when I was in the Army. Howard and Judy, I thank you both for creating this CD and book because it has changed my life, and I will be listening to this CD on a regular basis from now on. I will be forever grateful to both of you for the labor of love you’ve created. Thank you! Sincerely,”
—Paul S. Burkes (US Army, 1986-1989)
“I found myself going into a quiet reverie and thought that the music was beautiful and relaxing. I’d like to try this with my chronic pain patients. I can see where this guided imagery CD would be helpful for those with chronic pain. I particularly liked the images of energy body and energy sponge soaking up the discomfort. As mentioned in the beginning of the CD when we are in pain we often feel disconnected from our bodies. Therefore, this approach allows for reintegration without causing the client to feel overwhelmed (because often dissociation is a maladaptive way to manage chronic pain and people might be fearful of this). The imagery helps negotiate that impasse. Other positive points include a gentle voice and good sound. This was nice work. I would recommend it to my clients.”
—Teresa M. Andreoli, Psy.D., Psychology Assistant,
Psychotherapy Pain Management,
Brain Therapy Center, Westlake Village, CA
“It was week two after undergoing a major surgery and I was writhing in pain. I was having a problem easing off of my narcotic pain medications. Howard, my friend since elementary school, knew I was going through a rough time and sensed that the pain management book/CD might help me. I remember playing the CD and being very open to it because I knew that Howard was a brillant pianist and a very kind and healing person. I definitely had an out of body experience while I listened to the sounds. I focused on the music healing the area where the surgery had taken place. When the discordant notes were played, I imagined them vacuuming up all the painful energy within my body. I completely surrendered to the suggestions of the CD and was totally open to the power of the healing thoughts that were spoken. A few hours later I woke up from the experience to find that the excruciating pain that had been tormenting me was GONE. After listening to the CD, I was able to dramatically reduce my narcotic pain medications until I got off of them completely. I believe the pain management CD sped up my healing process and I will be forever grateful to Howard for giving me such an important gift of healing.”
—Carole Medway, B.A., R.N.
Tarzana, CA
(music) “When I listen to the music it takes me into areas of my body where I’m holding tension, and then moves me through the tension and into relaxation. My abdomen actually clenches up in the beginning of the music, and toward the end I feel relaxed. In between sometimes I have images and recollections that are related to the stress. I’ve listened to the music 15 times or so and can see there’s a gradual process unfolding. Howard’s ability to use music to reflect and release tension in the body is truly a gift!”
(guided imagery) “I love Judy’s voice! It felt so natural to follow her guided imagery. I was particularly moved by the “green light” when she said something about renewing the cells in my body – I actually moved as the light came through me! This was such a freeing experience! Thank you – I loved it!”
—Lori Landau, MFT
“I had major surgery due to an old injury that would not heal or allow me fall sleep (and stay asleep) at night. Following the surgery, I was in a lot of pain and did not want to take pain meds outside my hospital stay. I could not sit or stand up straight, or take a deep breath without feeling pain. I couldn’t even begin my physical therapy because the pain was unbearable. After listening to your CD the very first time, I was able to sit and stand up straight AND take deep breaths all without pain. Minutes later, I was dancing and days later I began my physical therapy. Thank you Howard and Judy for making it possible to ‘ease my chronic pain’ quickly and without drugs.”
—Sun Rose
“You are most talented. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that causes severe joint hypermobility and organ displacement. This has resulted in 21 surgeries, with mixed results. Pain is my constant companion, and your CD is so helpful that I actually got addicted to it at first, and listened 4 or 5 times a day for a couple weeks. Now it’s place is more balanced among my meditation repertoire, but it’s among my very favorites. I bought a copy for my friend who has fibromyalgia, etc., and she loved it, too.”
—Jennifer Gal,
Indianapolis, IN
“The music made me feel light, as if I were floating through the air; sometimes resting by the still waters of a quiet stream – sometimes by a roaring ocean! I felt like a bird at times – flitting from place to place – sometimes soaring up high and other times just coasting along enjoying the view. It was like “an out of body experience” at times. There was no feeling of pain, fear or sorrow; only ecstasy and joy!”
—Dee Sabino, West Hills, CA
Music: “I perceived this musical experience much like progressive relaxation exercise, incorporating periods of stress/tension followed by resolve/relaxation. Very relaxing.”
Guided imagery: “Very soothing and relaxing. Loved the voice quality and imagery.”
—Renata Decher, MS, Master of Physical Therapy,
TIA, Woodland Hills, CA
Music: “I did experience some tingling in my mid thoracic area radiating throughout my trunk and arms. I have a thoracic abnormality which occasionally causes pain and I came with pain tonight. As the music softened I felt more release in my muscle tension.”
Guided Imagery: “My body responded well to the guided imagery. I noticed a significant decrease in muscular tension resulting in decreased thoracic pain. A sense of well being followed the guided imagery.”
—Kim Archer, Physical Therapist, Therapeutic Assoc. Inc.,
MPTV Fund, TAI Rehab.com, Woodland Hills, CA
“I was able to get some to relax and distance myself from my specific back pain. I also was able to get some numbness in my toes and hands. I also was able to totally separate my self being from awareness around me like sound sleep but awake without any feeling of pressure or tenseness.”
—Houshang Shohet, B.S. M.S. Engineer,
Department of Transportation, LA, CA
“I found myself falling asleep.”
—DeAnna Ashton
“Very Relaxing! About half way into the music I began to feel myself (mostly my neck & back) beginning to feel the flow of the music.”
—Leonor Howell, BA, Education
“Musical track had an overall calming effect. I felt a slight reduction in pain.”
—Kai Charles, Massage Therapist
“The music itself was BEAUTIFUL. Very relaxing. Like a floating butterfly. Very relaxed now. At the beginning my heart was racing. Judy’s visual was beautiful, your voice was very relaxing.”
—Julia Scheff
Music: “At some point I felt sensation in the right breast. I was surprised at the end that 25 minutes had elapsed. I don’t have chronic pain, but I carry chronic tension in my body.”
Imagery: “It felt as if I was getting what I had wanted from another person. Tears came down my face. The rooting, feeling of safety, is something else I have yearned for. Very powerful. The energy sponge imagery was particularly helpful.”
—Rae Markus, M.S., Counseling,
Career Counselor, Northridge, CA
“I actually had the time to sit down and try the CD last week at a time when my pain was high enough that I would ordinarily have reached for pain meds. I sat down and listened to the CD instead and my experience was that I enjoyed your piano music and when that part of the CD was finished I got up and walked around the room briefly so I could see what was happening with my pain. I think I noticed a small diminishment and at the time I wondered if it was due to the music or due to the fact that I sat down and rested for a bit.”
—Cheryl Rhoads, Topanga, CA
“I have used music and guided imagery with yoga and self-hypnosis for over 30 years and I find that your concept of activating and drawing forth pain with music and imagery is very sound and beneficial.”
—Michael J. Galloway, Licensed Massage Therapist,
Burbank, CA
“About 15 minutes in, I was seeing a small figure with a silver dollar size piece of something stuck ion to the back of the neck/upper back area. Then it was removed and I saw that there was dirt under there from all the years the mark had been stuck on. Then someone started wiping the dirt off a bit at a time with something like a Q-tip. At this point in the reverie, I realized I was the figure, the mark was a hard flat thing made of life experiences, stress, pain, etc. and now it was removed, the musical notes were the Q-tips, slowly, carefully washing off the marks of the pain that had built up like years of dirt. When the last resolving chord was heard, I KNEW that was the end, even before the sound of the last chord ended.”
—Soraya Newell, Retired English Teacher,
Los Angeles, CA
“Once I had finished listening to the music I felt more relaxed, rested and at peace. I didn’t notice this while the music was playing. However, I did feel the long term effects of the whole piece after it was over. The guided imagery gave my body a sense of wholeness uniting the physical body with the mind and gaining a greater sense of awareness and energy. It helped take away the negative and restore new energy and hope. I felt like I took time out to take care of myself.”
—Andrea Wasserman, Physical Therapist, PT, PhD,
Woodland Hills, CA
“As the music started, I didn’t realize that I had been sitting so stiffly – as it progressed I found my body slowly entering a total relaxation, my legs uncrossed, my fingers became lax and my shoulders as well. I was left feeling rested, not as cognizant of my pain. I enjoyed that.”
—June Lorch, West Hills, CA
“The guided imagery was like hypnotherapy. Very relaxed, almost an altered state. Probably would have gone to sleep under the right conditions. The speaker’s voice was very pleasant and soothing.”
—Stan Hart
Music: “Surprisingly, my mind did not wander. It was completely just involved in listening to the music. I usually cannot sit for 25 min. (even 5 min.) without being annoyed at not actually physically doing something which I think is productive or just busy work or doing something other than just sitting. Actually, I just don’t relax at doing nothing. But I had no problem just listening to the music. I found it melodic. I was not bothered by any of it.”
Guided Imagery: “It always takes me awhile to relax into guided imagery. But I did relax – the music was very soothing. I did not fall asleep.”
—Eileen Guliasi,
Arthritis Foundation PACE Fitness instructor
“I presume we would have to listen to the CD a couple of times – at least – to feel its full impact. But after listening only once to it this evening I felt already the calming effects on my system when the music started to fade away in softer notes. I felt as peace all through the presentation. That was soothing and refreshing. I suppose it would be even more so when I listen to it again and follow more thoroughly the directives. Thank you very much to both of you for this beneficial evening.”
—Elie Soriano, Winnetka, CA
“I felt quite relaxed and at peace – nothing came into my mind – except the music that was very calming. I actually could see the beam golden ball, green leaf; once again I was very relaxed and peaceful; the voice was very calming and soothing.”